Care Oregon engaged VIE to perform an IT application security assessment. VIE recommendations created the foundation for the successful launch of a key care coordination application.
Care Oregon is a non-profit health plan that serves Medicaid and Medicare patients in Oregon They were looking for a security policy and process assessment for PopIntel, a care coordination tool.
Critical Issues
There was a need to assess the implementation of security policy and process in the implementation of PopIntel. With multiple external partners involved, there was a need to coordinate security and access requirements tightly.
VIE was engaged to provide an external security assessment. Three VIE security experts were engaged to review the external security stance of the application as well as perform a code review to check for best practice implementation.
VIE confirmed the lack of any major security issues. VIE provided assistance on several medium issues and an approach on the fixes. VIE also provided guidance on a list of best practice coding items.